Hi guys! Like every year, I make resolutions. I don't always stick to it, but I think it's a good way to begin the new year and to get more motivation. So here we are!
- Have a healthier life, I mean eat healthier, make more sport
- Less procrastination
- Take care of my skin and my hair, btw if you have a good routine (not to expensive) let me know!
- Publish at least 1 one article a week on this blog (It's gona be every wednesday at 6 pm, so stay tuned!)
- Be more disciplined
- Continue my youtube channel (how could I have deceived those 34 followers?!)
- Learn how to cook, I don't even know how to make rice
So here are my resolutions! What are yours? You can tell me in comment, and don't forget to subscribe at the top of the blog! I also have a bloglovin account, check the left of the page.
See you soon!