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How to stop procrastinating

Hi guys!
I've written an article about procrastination, because it is something I'm trying to fight for a while now, and I have discovered some tips about it. I hope you are going to enjoy this article!

  • Ask yourself if you want to be your best, or just a pale version of what you could actually be: I actually listen to a motivation playlist when I don't feel like doing things, and it really helps. You can check the playlist I listen to in my December's favorites.
  • Install the application forest: the concept is simple: you have a virtual garden, in which you plant trees. If you want to work for 20 minutes non stop, you program your tree, which is going to grow in 20 minutes, and if you use your phone during those 20 minutes, your tree will die. 
    • Click here for the android version (free)
    • Click here for the IOS version
  • Discipline : I know, this one is not a scoop, but discipline is also something you can work on, something you can gain, by creating new habits. I suggest you to watch this video, which gives the basis of creating new habits if you want to learn more about discipline.
  • Define your goals. Have a brainstorming about the person you want to become, what you want to achieve. Now that you have define this, think about it each time your tempting by procrastination.
  • Reward yourself. If your goal is to finish an essay, allow yourself to go out, or to buy yourself this cute shirt you want for a while after having done it. It can be anything, as long as you don't do it while you have still work to get done.
  • Motivate yourself: you can create a visualisation board to remember why you doing it, or think about how relieved (and sometimes proud) you are going to feel once you will have done this big task you don't want to do.
I hope you enjoyed this article, you can tell me about your tips in comment.
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Have fun, see you soon !

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