Hi guys!
This weekend I had the occasion to watch a great movie, The imitation game, which is based on the true story of Alan Turing, one of the best mathematicians of all times.
So the story happened during World War II. A group of specialists was trying to break the code Enigma : all the Germans instructions were given per radio, coded with the Enigma machine. The secret services had made it to stole an Enigma device, but as they were missing the adjustment, it was useless. Those adjustments were changing every day, with millions of combinations possible.
Alan Turing was recruited by the MI6 to come to help the team of experts to break the code. I'm not going to talk much about the story, as I don't want to spoil those of you who plan to watch the movie.
But let's talk about the artistic way. The film-director, Morten Tydlum made a great job, in my opinion. The movie is clear to understand even if the end is not predictable at all. As the goal of the movie is to reproduce a true story, I think it is something really important.
Let's talk about the actors : Benedict Cumberbatch portrayed in the best way the part of Alan Turing, with Keira Knitghley in the sporting role.
But actually, this movie gives a special view of the British army and the MI6 : it shows a big paradox with a big flaw in the army's strategy (I don't want to spoil you so I'm not going to tell you which, so you should totally watch it).
So, you can tell me in comment if you have already watched this movie, if you enjoyed it, how you feel about it...
I hope you have enjoyed this article, see you soon !
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