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My resolutions for 2019

Hi guys !
2018 is coming to its end and really, I'm feeling a little nostalgic about it. I mean, my life really changed this year : I turned 18 (really big step for me for sure), I ended high-school, I received my driving-license and so much more. And I'm feeling really grateful for this year : I learned a lot about myself and the person I want to become. So here are my resolutions for 2019!

  1. Discipline
  2. Take time to exercise once a week : stop finding excuses to watch a series instead of working out
  3. Stop making things last minute : to be ready for the unexpected
  4. Continue the miracle morning : I've begun this amazing morning routine from Hal Elrod in September. If you want more informations about it, I suggest you to read this article. This includes meditating every day.
  5. Read more newspaper : I need to keep track of the news for my studies, and I don't focus enough on it yet.
  6. Improve in German 
  7. Learn dactylographie : I think this will really help me to gain time while working on my computer.
  8. Being punctual : I'm the kind of person who is at least 10 minutes late and this really needs to change.
  9. Being more reliable : stop cancelling plans last minute to stay home 
I hope you enjoyed this article, you can tell me about your new year's resolutions in comment, you can read this article if you need help to stick to your resolutions.
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Have fun, see you soon !

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