Hi guys !
As the new year is soon beginning, I wrote an article about new year's resolutions and the most important part of them: how to stick to them. We all know that the gym is always full during the first week of January, but then it is back to normal a week later. People, full motivated, take life-changing resolutions at the end of the year. The problem is that they give up on them (mostly) a week later, not motivated anymore. Sooo I've come up with some solutions to help you to stay motivated all year long and to get what you want.
- Begin your resolutions before new year : why beginning a new resolution later if you are not even able to handle it right now? Now is the time to begin.
- Reward yourself : for example, if you decide to become better in maths, you allow yourself to watch an episode of a good series (I would advice you "le coeur a ses raisons") every time you have done 2 hours of maths (non-stop, without procrastinating).
- Make a plan : remember, if you want to eat an entire elephant, you are not going to be able to do it in one time. You have to come up with a plan to eat a small part every day. Do the same thing with you new resolution. Divide every resolution for every day. Like if you decide to begin to do sport, begin by planing the times you are going to exercise, and what you are going to do before beginning your session. Plan it for the month. And remember, it is okay not to do one session, as long as you do the next one : you need to stay constant to make it become a new habit.
- Discipline : this was an obvious one, but really, if you learn how to discipline, you will learn how to do everything quicker. It is a real life-changer. To help you for this, you can for example wonder things such as "Am I going to regret doing this?". Real motivator.
- Don't drown your self under new resolutions : choose 5 new resolutions maximum, to maximise your chances of sticking to them.
- Keep track of your progresses : I advice you to create something like a visualisation board on which you write every progress you make.
- Motivate yourself : make a list of all the answers you can give to your potentials excuses not to stick to a resolution.
I hope you have enjoyed this article, and that it is going to help you to stick to you new resolutions! You can leave a comment to tell me which resolutions, share this article on Pinterest if you enjoyed it and subscribe to the blog at the top of the sidebar.
Have fun, see you soon!
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My bloglovin : https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/smileinthegarden-19199021
Have fun, see you soon!
My instagram : https://www.instagram.com/smileinthegarden/
My bloglovin : https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/smileinthegarden-19199021
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