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The Truman show, Peter Weir | Movie review

Hi guys!
I've recently watch the movie The Truman show (as a lot of people are talking about it) (it is on Netflix, if you wonder) and I really had a crush for this movie. So here is my review!
     Truman lives a pretty natural life : he is married, has a desk job, buys his newspaper every
morning at the same booth, likes to do some gardening and is happy with his life. Until one day,
when something weird happens on the radio.
     And, when those things seem okay, there are some other things which begin to seem weird
to him : it is always the same three cars which are passing in front of his house all day long, his
wife keeps acting weird and telling him things about some brands, once it has rained only on him…
All of this has one dessin : Truman is the star of a reality show, which is watched by almost
all Americans. And he is the only one who doesn’t know it.

     I really appreciated this movie : first, the character of Truman is very endearing but also the
goings-on enchain naturally, and I found it has a very good director (Peter Weir).
     However, this movie also gives us another view about reality shows. It makes me wonder if
all people who are in reality shows know what they are doing, if it is adapted to the ethical code to
put someone in a studio and to make him live all his life (or at least a big part of it) in front of a
camera, without him even knowing it.
     It is sort of a dystopia : it shows what could happen if the movie business (which is already
very powerful) becomes way more powerful. The consequences could be people like Truman, who
have no idea about their countrywide fame and spent their entire life in a studio, thinking they live
in the real world.

Hope you have enjoyed this review! You can comment it, and subscribe at the front of the article if you don't want to miss anything.

See you soon!

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